Ratio to Percentage Conversion Calculator

Are you a planner, builder, or anyone who works with slopes and gradients? Our Gradient Converter is the perfect tool for you! This calculator allows you to quickly and easily convert between percentage and ratio, depending on your needs. Whether you're working with district plan rules, transport and traffic considerations, or simply need to determine the slope of an area, our Gradient Converter has you covered.

Simply input your value and select whether it is in percentage or ratio form, and our calculator will instantly provide the conversion. No more fumbling with calculations or trying to remember the formulas in our quick guide – our Gradient Converter does all the work for you. Try it out now and see how easy it is to work with gradients!

1 February 2013 update: You can now convert from degrees of slope to gradient expressed as a percentage or ratio. This will come in handy if dealing with old sets of drawings that show slope in degrees.